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来源:网络整理   2021-10-27 18:15:46

近日,2021世界设计大奖World Design Awards官方网站公布评选结果,卡纳设计为“福州榕耀之城打造的RISECITY体验中心”,从全球众多优秀设计作品中脱颖而出,荣获该年度设计亚军大奖。

该项目以光为引领,结合中国福州当地传统民居的挑檐以示对本土情怀的尊重,又以悬浮的反重力感飘顶、时尚橱窗式的透明幕墙,以未来科技和绿色理念为手段,打造多元场景,将福州特有的先锋色彩、线条、质感与材料,以及阳光、空气、水分滋养的花朵与闪耀的星空,把观众身临其境带入未来都市科技生活的体验中。Recently,the2021 World Design Awards announced the results on its official website. RISECITY, the interior of which is designed by CAC DESIGN GROUP, stands out fromnumerous global entries and wins the Runner-up Award. The 2,164 square-meterRise City experience center features pioneering colors, lines, textures andmaterials, as well as flowers nourished by sunlight, air and moisture, andsparkling starry sky. The cornice of traditional residence is used to showrespect for the local context, and the floating ceiling with a sense ofanti-gravity and the transparent curtain wall like fashionable window displayreflect the sense of technology and city in the future. Extending the spirit ofproject, the space design use light and future technology and green concepts tocreate perse scenes, creating a future urban life experience for visitors.

世界设计大奖World DesignAwards是世界建筑最负盛名的奖项之一。它表彰通过新技术、新材料、独特的美学和空间组织的实施,以及全球化、灵活性、适应性和数字革命方面的研究来重新定义建筑设计的杰出想法。

The World Design Awards is one of the most prestigious awards for tallbuildings in the world. It recognizes the outstanding idea of redefiningarchitecture through new technologies, new materials, the implementation ofunique aesthetics and spatial organization, as well as globalization,flexibility, adaptability and digital revolution.


Each year the expert jury is made up of professor of the world-renowneduniversity architecture department and renowned architects who use theirinsights and rich design experience to consider the results. The only constantis that they seek new ideas and thinking.


We can see from the winning works (click to view: World Design Awardwinning works) that the super high standard of the juryand the award arededicated to discussing the relationship between architectural space and nature,community, city and people with the world"s architecture and space designers.Ms. Karen Chang, founder of CAC DESIGN GROUP , has been advocating that interiordesigners should work with architectural thinking. This is one of the reasonswhy Karen Chang proposed "breaking the limits of style, exploring the boundariesof culture, and looking for a spiritual balance between human and space " as thecorporate mission.


卡纳设计创办人暨首席设计官/ 张炜伦

Founder & CDO / Karen Chang

多年来,专注于建筑与空间场域设计,持续探究人与空间、建筑之间的体验与互动。着重在设计比例配置、材质创新与融入新科技发展运用。同时贴合当代商业趋势需求,提供具体溢价解决方案,挖掘空间的永续潜力,致力打造“有机化空间”,使空间规划产生可持续的发展性。从业以来积淀诸多国际团队跨国合作的专业经验,作品包括上海璞丽酒店、所见西溪度假酒店等备受行业瞩目的经典作品,曾获国际知名设计大奖International Property Awards、iF设计奖、意大利A’DESIGN AWARD、加拿大GRANDS PRIX DU、德国GermanDesign Award、“亚太室内设计大奖”等国际设计大奖,并荣膺“年度最佳50设计师”、“杰出室内设计师”。

卡纳设计CAC DesignGroup创立于台北,2006年,总部落地上海,先后在新加坡、台北、台中、新竹等地设立分公司。基于多年的设计沉淀,旗下陆续发展多品牌:品纳设计CACSQUARE、BE concept、THEHIVE,为定制更专业全链设计服务,搭建全球品牌家居供应链。专注于高端室内设计及空间整体解决方案,涉及地产、酒店、高定私宅、零售、文创产业等领域。不断打造精品项目,屡获国内外知名设计大奖:InternationalProperty Awards、德国iF DESIGN AWARD、意大利A’DESIGN AWARD、德国GERMAN DESIGNAWARD、北美GRANDSPRIX DUDESIGN等,也是MMA无线营销联盟会员。坚持打破风格的限制,探索⼈与空间、文化的契合,持续引领高端审美,创造更多理想空间。
